Unveiling Madiha Rizvi’s Husband: All About Junaid Ali Perwez

25th April, 2024

Actress Madiha Rizvi has captured the spotlight with the announcement of her second marriage. The intimate family event saw Madiha tying the knot with Junaid Ali Perwez, a distinguished writer from Karachi, Pakistan. Known for his acclaimed book “Crazy Heart” in collaboration with Thomas Young, Junaid, affectionately referred to as JP, is celebrated in the literary world as an English poet and writer.

The union between Madiha Rizvi and Junaid Ali Perwez marks a new chapter filled with love, companionship, and shared dreams. Junaid’s Instagram account offers glimpses into their journey, hinting at their wedding date in December 2023. Through his heartfelt posts, Junaid paints a picture of their blossoming romance, while Madiha’s presence shines through in his words and images. Madiha, in turn, expresses her affection and admiration for her husband through her own social media platforms, showcasing their strong bond and unwavering love.

Photo: Instagram, The Poetic Manic
Photo: Instagram, The Poetic Manic
Photo: Instagram, The Poetic Manic

As Madiha and Junaid embark on this journey together, their union symbolizes hope, resilience, and the beauty of finding love again. Surrounded by the warmth of their families and the support of their friends, they step into the future hand in hand, ready to embrace whatever adventures await them.