Aftab Iqbal Appeals to Fans: Cease Trolling Esteemed Sohail Ahmed

20th April, 2024

In the world of Pakistani entertainment, few names command as much respect and admiration as Aftab Iqbal and Sohail Ahmed. However, recent events have stirred controversy and division among their fans, leading to unnecessary animosity and trolling on social media platforms.

In a recent Eid Special Podcast hosted by Ahmed Ali Butt, Sohail Ahmed made some aggressive remarks about Aftab Iqbal in response to a question about his opinion. This ignited a war of words between their respective fan bases, with insults and criticism flying back and forth.

However, amidst this turmoil, Aftab Iqbal displayed grace and wisdom by urging his followers to cease the trolling immediately. He emphasized the importance of respecting both himself and Sohail Ahmed, highlighting their decades-long contributions to Pakistani entertainment.

In his statement, Aftab Iqbal expressed, “Whatever is happening between me and Sohail Ahmed is the matter between the two brothers… no one is allowed to troll anyone in this.” He also called out the use of derogatory language, stating, “People have used derogatory language and went below the belt in expressing their opinions which is unacceptable.”

His plea for civility resonated deeply, reminding fans that their disagreements should not escalate into personal attacks. By acknowledging the issue and taking a stand against the toxicity, Aftab Iqbal exemplified the dignity and respect befitting of two legendary figures like himself and Sohail Ahmed.

In times of conflict, it is important to remember that even the most revered personalities are human, prone to disagreements and misunderstandings. However, it is through mutual respect and understanding that true reconciliation can be achieved. Let us celebrate the legacy of Aftab Iqbal and Sohail Ahmed by honoring their artistry and treating each other with kindness and respect.